final class NegZLong extends AnyVal

An AnyVal for non-positive Longs.

Because NegZLong is an AnyVal it will usually be as efficient as an Long, being boxed only when an Long would have been boxed.

The NegZLong.apply factory method is implemented in terms of a macro that checks literals for validity at compile time. Calling NegZLong.apply with a literal Long value will either produce a valid NegZLong instance at run time or an error at compile time. Here's an example:

scala> import anyvals._
import anyvals._

scala> NegZLong(-42L)
res0: org.scalactic.anyvals.NegZLong = NegZLong(-42L)

scala> NegZLong(-1L)
<console>:14: error: NegZLong.apply can only be invoked on a non-positive (i <= 0L) integer literal, like NegZLong(-42L).

NegZLong.apply cannot be used if the value being passed is a variable (i.e., not a literal), because the macro cannot determine the validity of variables at compile time (just literals). If you try to pass a variable to NegZLong.apply, you'll get a compiler error that suggests you use a different factor method, NegZLong.from, instead:

scala> val x = -42L
x: Long = -42

scala> NegZLong(x)
<console>:15: error: NegZLong.apply can only be invoked on an long literal, like NegZLong(-42L). Please use NegZLong.from instead.

The NegZLong.from factory method will inspect the value at runtime and return an Option[NegZLong]. If the value is valid, NegZLong.from will return a Some[NegZLong], else it will return a None. Here's an example:

scala> NegZLong.from(x)
res3: Option[org.scalactic.anyvals.NegZLong] = Some(NegZLong(-42))

scala> val y = 1L
y: Long = 1

scala> NegZLong.from(y)
res4: Option[org.scalactic.anyvals.NegZLong] = None

The NegZLong.apply factory method is marked implicit, so that you can pass literal Longs into methods that require NegZLong, and get the same compile-time checking you get when calling NegZLong.apply explicitly. Here's an example:

scala> def invert(pos: NegZLong): Long = Long.MaxValue - pos
invert: (pos: org.scalactic.anyvals.NegZLong)Long

scala> invert(1L)
res5: Long = 9223372036854775806

scala> invert(Long.MaxValue)
res6: Long = 0

scala> invert(1L)
<console>:15: error: NegZLong.apply can only be invoked on a non-positive (i <= 0L) integer literal, like NegZLong(-42L).

This example also demonstrates that the NegZLong companion object also defines implicit widening conversions when either no loss of precision will occur or a similar conversion is provided in Scala. (For example, the implicit conversion from Long to Double in Scala can lose precision.) This makes it convenient to use a NegZLong where a Long or wider type is needed. An example is the subtraction in the body of the invert method defined above, Long.MaxValue - pos. Although Long.MaxValue is a Long, which has no - method that takes a NegZLong (the type of pos), you can still subtract pos, because the NegZLong will be implicitly widened to Long.

Linear Supertypes
AnyVal, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. NegZLong
  2. AnyVal
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
  3. def %(x: Double): Double

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  4. def %(x: Float): Float

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  5. def %(x: Long): Long

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  6. def %(x: Int): Long

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  7. def %(x: Char): Long

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  8. def %(x: Short): Long

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  9. def %(x: Byte): Long

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  10. def &(x: Long): Long

    Returns the bitwise AND of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise AND of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            & 10101010
      //              --------
      //              10100000
  11. def &(x: Int): Long

    Returns the bitwise AND of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise AND of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            & 10101010
      //              --------
      //              10100000
  12. def &(x: Char): Long

    Returns the bitwise AND of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise AND of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            & 10101010
      //              --------
      //              10100000
  13. def &(x: Short): Long

    Returns the bitwise AND of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise AND of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            & 10101010
      //              --------
      //              10100000
  14. def &(x: Byte): Long

    Returns the bitwise AND of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise AND of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            & 10101010
      //              --------
      //              10100000
  15. def *(x: Double): Double

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  16. def *(x: Float): Float

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  17. def *(x: Long): Long

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  18. def *(x: Int): Long

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  19. def *(x: Char): Long

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  20. def *(x: Short): Long

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  21. def *(x: Byte): Long

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  22. def +(x: Double): Double

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  23. def +(x: Float): Float

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  24. def +(x: Long): Long

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  25. def +(x: Int): Long

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  26. def +(x: Char): Long

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  27. def +(x: Short): Long

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  28. def +(x: Byte): Long

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  29. def +(x: String): String

    Converts this NegZLong's value to a string then concatenates the given string.

  30. def -(x: Double): Double

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  31. def -(x: Float): Float

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  32. def -(x: Long): Long

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  33. def -(x: Int): Long

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  34. def -(x: Char): Long

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  35. def -(x: Short): Long

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  36. def -(x: Byte): Long

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  37. def /(x: Double): Double

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  38. def /(x: Float): Float

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  39. def /(x: Long): Long

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  40. def /(x: Int): Long

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  41. def /(x: Char): Long

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  42. def /(x: Short): Long

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  43. def /(x: Byte): Long

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  44. def <(x: Double): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  45. def <(x: Float): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  46. def <(x: Long): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  47. def <(x: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  48. def <(x: Char): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  49. def <(x: Short): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  50. def <(x: Byte): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  51. def <<(x: Long): Long

    Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits, filling in the new right bits with zeroes.

    Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits, filling in the new right bits with zeroes.

    1. 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000
  52. def <<(x: Int): Long

    Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits, filling in the new right bits with zeroes.

    Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits, filling in the new right bits with zeroes.

    1. 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000
  53. def <=(x: Double): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  54. def <=(x: Float): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  55. def <=(x: Long): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  56. def <=(x: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  57. def <=(x: Char): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  58. def <=(x: Short): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  59. def <=(x: Byte): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  60. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  61. def >(x: Double): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  62. def >(x: Float): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  63. def >(x: Long): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  64. def >(x: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  65. def >(x: Char): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  66. def >(x: Short): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  67. def >(x: Byte): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  68. def >=(x: Double): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  69. def >=(x: Float): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  70. def >=(x: Long): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  71. def >=(x: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  72. def >=(x: Char): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  73. def >=(x: Short): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  74. def >=(x: Byte): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  75. def >>(x: Long): Long

    Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits, filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.

    Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits, filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this. The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.

    1. -21 >> 3 == -3
      // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
      //            11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
  76. def >>(x: Int): Long

    Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits, filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.

    Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits, filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this. The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.

    1. -21 >> 3 == -3
      // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
      //            11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
  77. def >>>(x: Long): Long

    Returns this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits, filling the new left bits with zeroes.

    Returns this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits, filling the new left bits with zeroes.

    1. 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010
    2. ,
    3. -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
      // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
      //            00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
  78. def >>>(x: Int): Long

    Returns this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits, filling the new left bits with zeroes.

    Returns this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits, filling the new left bits with zeroes.

    1. 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010
    2. ,
    3. -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
      // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
      //            00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
  79. def ^(x: Long): Long

    Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            ^ 10101010
      //              --------
      //              01011010
  80. def ^(x: Int): Long

    Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            ^ 10101010
      //              --------
      //              01011010
  81. def ^(x: Char): Long

    Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            ^ 10101010
      //              --------
      //              01011010
  82. def ^(x: Short): Long

    Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            ^ 10101010
      //              --------
      //              01011010
  83. def ^(x: Byte): Long

    Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            ^ 10101010
      //              --------
      //              01011010
  84. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  85. def ensuringValid(f: (Long) => Long): NegZLong

    Applies the passed Long => Long function to the underlying Long value, and if the result is positive, returns the result wrapped in a NegZLong, else throws AssertionError.

    Applies the passed Long => Long function to the underlying Long value, and if the result is positive, returns the result wrapped in a NegZLong, else throws AssertionError.

    This method will inspect the result of applying the given function to this NegZLong's underlying Long value and if the result is non-positive, it will return a NegZLong representing that value. Otherwise, the Long value returned by the given function is not non-positive, this method will throw AssertionError.

    This method differs from a vanilla assert or ensuring call in that you get something you didn't already have if the assertion succeeds: a type that promises an Long is non-positive. With this method, you are asserting that you are convinced the result of the computation represented by applying the given function to this NegZLong's value will not overflow. Instead of overflowing silently like Long, this method will signal an overflow with a loud AssertionError.


    the Long => Long function to apply to this NegZLong's underlying Long value.


    the result of applying this NegZLong's underlying Long value to to the passed function, wrapped in a NegZLong if it is non-positive (else throws AssertionError).

    Exceptions thrown

    AssertionError if the result of applying this NegZLong's underlying Long value to to the passed function is not positive.

  86. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]
    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  87. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  88. def max(that: NegZLong): NegZLong

    Returns this if this > that or that otherwise.

  89. def min(that: NegZLong): NegZLong

    Returns this if this < that or that otherwise.

  90. def to(end: Long, step: Long): Inclusive[Long]

    Create an inclusive Range from this NegZLong value to the specified end with the specified step value.

    Create an inclusive Range from this NegZLong value to the specified end with the specified step value.


    The final bound of the range to make.


    The number to increase by for each step of the range.


    A scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange.Inclusive[Long] from this up to and including end.

  91. def to(end: Long): Inclusive[Long]

    Create an inclusive Range from this NegZLong value to the specified end with step value 1.

    Create an inclusive Range from this NegZLong value to the specified end with step value 1.


    The final bound of the range to make.


    A scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange.Inclusive[Long] from this up to and including end.

  92. def toBinaryString: String

    Returns a string representation of this NegZLong's underlying Long as an unsigned integer in base 2.

    Returns a string representation of this NegZLong's underlying Long as an unsigned integer in base 2.

    The unsigned long value is this NegZLong's underlying Long plus 264 if the underlying Long is negative; otherwise, it is equal to the underlying Long. This value is converted to a string of ASCII digits in binary (base 2) with no extra leading 0s. If the unsigned magnitude is zero, it is represented by a single zero character '0' ('\u0030'); otherwise, the first character of the representation of the unsigned magnitude will not be the zero character. The characters '0' ('\u0030') and '1' ('\u0031') are used as binary digits.


    the string representation of the unsigned long value represented by this NegZLong's underlying Long in binary (base 2).

  93. def toByte: Byte

    Converts this NegZLong to a Byte.

  94. def toChar: Char

    Converts this NegZLong to a Char.

  95. def toDouble: Double

    Converts this NegZLong to a Double.

  96. def toFloat: Float

    Converts this NegZLong to a Float.

  97. def toHexString: String

    Returns a string representation of this NegZLong's underlying Long as an unsigned integer in base 16.

    Returns a string representation of this NegZLong's underlying Long as an unsigned integer in base 16.

    The unsigned long value is this NegZLong's underlying Long plus 264 if the underlying Long is negative; otherwise, it is equal to the underlying Long. This value is converted to a string of ASCII digits in hexadecimal (base 16) with no extra leading 0s. If the unsigned magnitude is zero, it is represented by a single zero character '0' ('\u0030'); otherwise, the first character of the representation of the unsigned magnitude will not be the zero character. The following characters are used as hexadecimal digits:


    These are the characters '\u0030' through '\u0039' and '\u0061' through '\u0066'. If uppercase letters are desired, the toUpperCase method may be called on the result.


    the string representation of the unsigned long value represented by this NegZLong's underlying Long in hexadecimal (base 16).

  98. def toInt: Int

    Converts this NegZLong to an Int.

  99. def toLong: Long

    Converts this NegZLong to a Long.

  100. def toOctalString: String

    Returns a string representation of this NegZLong's underlying Long as an unsigned integer in base 8.

    Returns a string representation of this NegZLong's underlying Long as an unsigned integer in base 8.

    The unsigned long value is this NegZLong's underlying Long plus 264 if the underlying Long is negative; otherwise, it is equal to the underlying Long. This value is converted to a string of ASCII digits in octal (base 8) with no extra leading 0s.

    If the unsigned magnitude is zero, it is represented by a single zero character '0' ('\u0030'); otherwise, the first character of the representation of the unsigned magnitude will not be the zero character. The following characters are used as octal digits:


    These are the characters '\u0030' through '\u0037'.


    the string representation of the unsigned long value represented by this NegZLong's underlying Long in octal (base 8).

  101. def toShort: Short

    Converts this NegZLong to a Short.

  102. def toString(): String

    A string representation of this NegZLong.

    A string representation of this NegZLong.

    Definition Classes
    NegZLong → Any
  103. def unary_+: NegZLong

    Returns this value, unmodified.

  104. def unary_-: Long

    Returns the negation of this value.

  105. def unary_~: Long

    Returns the bitwise negation of this value.

    Returns the bitwise negation of this value.

    1. ~5 == -6
      // in binary: ~00000101 ==
      //             11111010
  106. def until(end: Long, step: Long): Exclusive[Long]

    Create a Range from this NegZLong value until the specified end (exclusive) with the specified step value.

    Create a Range from this NegZLong value until the specified end (exclusive) with the specified step value.


    The final bound of the range to make.


    The number to increase by for each step of the range.


    A scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange.Exclusive[Long] from this up to but not including end.

  107. def until(end: Long): Exclusive[Long]

    Create a Range from this NegZLong value until the specified end (exclusive) with step value 1.

    Create a Range from this NegZLong value until the specified end (exclusive) with step value 1.


    The final bound of the range to make.


    A scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange.Exclusive[Long] from this up to but not including end.

  108. val value: Long
  109. def |(x: Long): Long

    Returns the bitwise OR of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise OR of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            | 10101010
      //              --------
      //              11111010
  110. def |(x: Int): Long

    Returns the bitwise OR of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise OR of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            | 10101010
      //              --------
      //              11111010
  111. def |(x: Char): Long

    Returns the bitwise OR of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise OR of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            | 10101010
      //              --------
      //              11111010
  112. def |(x: Short): Long

    Returns the bitwise OR of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise OR of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            | 10101010
      //              --------
      //              11111010
  113. def |(x: Byte): Long

    Returns the bitwise OR of this value and x.

    Returns the bitwise OR of this value and x.

    1. (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
      // in binary:   11110000
      //            | 10101010
      //              --------
      //              11111010

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from Any
