final class PosZFloat extends AnyVal

An AnyVal for non-negative Floats.

Because PosZFloat is an AnyVal it will usually be as efficient as an Float, being boxed only when an Float would have been boxed.

The PosZFloat.apply factory method is implemented in terms of a macro that checks literals for validity at compile time. Calling PosZFloat.apply with a literal Float value will either produce a valid PosZFloat instance at run time or an error at compile time. Here's an example:

scala> import anyvals._
import anyvals._

scala> PosZFloat(1.1fF)
res0: org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZFloat = PosZFloat(1.1f)

scala> PosZFloat(-1.1fF)
<console>:14: error: PosZFloat.apply can only be invoked on a non-negative (i >= 0.0f) floating point literal, like PosZFloat(1.1fF).

PosZFloat.apply cannot be used if the value being passed is a variable (i.e., not a literal), because the macro cannot determine the validity of variables at compile time (just literals). If you try to pass a variable to PosZFloat.apply, you'll get a compiler error that suggests you use a different factor method, PosZFloat.from, instead:

scala> val x = 1.1fF
x: Float = 1.1f

scala> PosZFloat(x)
<console>:15: error: PosZFloat.apply can only be invoked on a floating point literal, like PosZFloat(1.1fF). Please use PosZFloat.from instead.

The PosZFloat.from factory method will inspect the value at runtime and return an Option[PosZFloat]. If the value is valid, PosZFloat.from will return a Some[PosZFloat], else it will return a None. Here's an example:

scala> PosZFloat.from(x)
res3: Option[org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZFloat] = Some(PosZFloat(1.1f))

scala> val y = -1.1fF
y: Float = -1.1f

scala> PosZFloat.from(y)
res4: Option[org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZFloat] = None

The PosZFloat.apply factory method is marked implicit, so that you can pass literal Floats into methods that require PosZFloat, and get the same compile-time checking you get when calling PosZFloat.apply explicitly. Here's an example:

scala> def invert(pos: PosZFloat): Float = Float.MaxValue - pos
invert: (pos: org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZFloat)Float

scala> invert(1.1fF)
res5: Float = 3.4028235E38

scala> invert(Float.MaxValue)
res6: Float = 0.0

scala> invert(-1.1fF)
<console>:15: error: PosZFloat.apply can only be invoked on a non-negative (i >= 0.0f) floating point literal, like PosZFloat(1.1fF).

scala> invert(-1.1fF)
<console>:15: error: PosZFloat.apply can only be invoked on a non-negative (i >= 0.0f) floating point literal, like PosZFloat(1.1fF).

This example also demonstrates that the PosZFloat companion object also defines implicit widening conversions when no loss of precision will occur. This makes it convenient to use a PosZFloat where a Float or wider type is needed. An example is the subtraction in the body of the invert method defined above, Float.MaxValue - pos. Although Float.MaxValue is a Float, which has no - method that takes a PosZFloat (the type of pos), you can still subtract pos, because the PosZFloat will be implicitly widened to Float.

Linear Supertypes
AnyVal, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. PosZFloat
  2. AnyVal
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
  3. def %(x: Double): Double

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  4. def %(x: Float): Float

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  5. def %(x: Long): Float

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  6. def %(x: Int): Float

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  7. def %(x: Char): Float

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  8. def %(x: Short): Float

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  9. def %(x: Byte): Float

    Returns the remainder of the division of this value by x.

  10. def *(x: Double): Double

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  11. def *(x: Float): Float

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  12. def *(x: Long): Float

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  13. def *(x: Int): Float

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  14. def *(x: Char): Float

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  15. def *(x: Short): Float

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  16. def *(x: Byte): Float

    Returns the product of this value and x.

  17. def +(x: Double): Double

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  18. def +(x: Float): Float

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  19. def +(x: Long): Float

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  20. def +(x: Int): Float

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  21. def +(x: Char): Float

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  22. def +(x: Short): Float

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  23. def +(x: Byte): Float

    Returns the sum of this value and x.

  24. def +(x: String): String

    Converts this PosZFloat's value to a string then concatenates the given string.

  25. def -(x: Double): Double

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  26. def -(x: Float): Float

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  27. def -(x: Long): Float

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  28. def -(x: Int): Float

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  29. def -(x: Char): Float

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  30. def -(x: Short): Float

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  31. def -(x: Byte): Float

    Returns the difference of this value and x.

  32. def /(x: Double): Double

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  33. def /(x: Float): Float

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  34. def /(x: Long): Float

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  35. def /(x: Int): Float

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  36. def /(x: Char): Float

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  37. def /(x: Short): Float

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  38. def /(x: Byte): Float

    Returns the quotient of this value and x.

  39. def <(x: Double): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  40. def <(x: Float): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  41. def <(x: Long): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  42. def <(x: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  43. def <(x: Char): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  44. def <(x: Short): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  45. def <(x: Byte): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than x, false otherwise.

  46. def <=(x: Double): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  47. def <=(x: Float): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  48. def <=(x: Long): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  49. def <=(x: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  50. def <=(x: Char): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  51. def <=(x: Short): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  52. def <=(x: Byte): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  53. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  54. def >(x: Double): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  55. def >(x: Float): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  56. def >(x: Long): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  57. def >(x: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  58. def >(x: Char): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  59. def >(x: Short): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  60. def >(x: Byte): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.

  61. def >=(x: Double): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  62. def >=(x: Float): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  63. def >=(x: Long): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  64. def >=(x: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  65. def >=(x: Char): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  66. def >=(x: Short): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  67. def >=(x: Byte): Boolean

    Returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

  68. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  69. def ceil: PosZFloat

    Returns the smallest (closest to 0) PosZFloat that is greater than or equal to this PosZFloat and represents a mathematical integer.

  70. def ensuringValid(f: (Float) => Float): PosZFloat

    Applies the passed Float => Float function to the underlying Float value, and if the result is positive, returns the result wrapped in a PosZFloat, else throws AssertionError.

    Applies the passed Float => Float function to the underlying Float value, and if the result is positive, returns the result wrapped in a PosZFloat, else throws AssertionError.

    This method will inspect the result of applying the given function to this PosZFloat's underlying Float value and if the result is non-negative, it will return a PosZFloat representing that value. Otherwise, the Float value returned by the given function is not non-negative, so this method will throw AssertionError.

    This method differs from a vanilla assert or ensuring call in that you get something you didn't already have if the assertion succeeds: a type that promises an Float is non-negative. With this method, you are asserting that you are convinced the result of the computation represented by applying the given function to this PosZFloat's value will not produce invalid value. Instead of producing such invalid values, this method will throw AssertionError.


    the Float => Float function to apply to this PosZFloat's underlying Float value.


    the result of applying this PosZFloat's underlying Float value to to the passed function, wrapped in a PosZFloat if it is non-negative (else throws AssertionError).

    Exceptions thrown

    AssertionError if the result of applying this PosZFloat's underlying Float value to to the passed function is not non-negative.

  71. def floor: PosZFloat

    Returns the greatest (closest to infinity) PosZFloat that is less than or equal to this PosZFloat and represents a mathematical integer.

  72. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]
    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  73. def isFinite: Boolean

    True if this PosZFloat value is any finite value (i.e., it is neither positive nor negative infinity), else false.

  74. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  75. def isPosInfinity: Boolean

    True if this PosZFloat value represents positive infinity, else false.

  76. def isWhole: Boolean

    Indicates whether this PosZFloat has a value that is a whole number: it is finite and it has no fraction part.

  77. def max(that: PosZFloat): PosZFloat

    Returns this if this > that or that otherwise.

  78. def min(that: PosZFloat): PosZFloat

    Returns this if this < that or that otherwise.

  79. def plus(x: PosZFloat): PosZFloat

    Returns the PosZFloat sum of this value and x.

    Returns the PosZFloat sum of this value and x.

    This method will always succeed (not throw an exception) because adding a non-negative Float to another non-negative Float will always result in another non-negative Float value (though the result may be infinity).

  80. def round: PosZInt

    Rounds this PosZFloat value to the nearest whole number value that can be expressed as an PosZInt, returning the result as a PosZInt.

  81. def toByte: Byte

    Converts this PosZFloat to a Byte.

  82. def toChar: Char

    Converts this PosZFloat to a Char.

  83. def toDegrees: Float

    Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees.

    Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees.


    the measurement of the angle x in degrees.

  84. def toDouble: Double

    Converts this PosZFloat to a Double.

  85. def toFloat: Float

    Converts this PosZFloat to a Float.

  86. def toInt: Int

    Converts this PosZFloat to an Int.

  87. def toLong: Long

    Converts this PosZFloat to a Long.

  88. def toRadians: Float

    Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians.

    Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians.


    the measurement of the angle x in radians.

  89. def toShort: Short

    Converts this PosZFloat to a Short.

  90. def toString(): String

    A string representation of this PosZFloat.

    A string representation of this PosZFloat.

    Definition Classes
    PosZFloat → Any
  91. def unary_+: PosZFloat

    Returns this value, unmodified.

  92. def unary_-: NegZFloat

    Returns the negation of this value.

  93. val value: Float

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from Any
